Monday, March 9, 2009

Technology Graced Our Lives

Change is the only constant thing in the realm of Technology.
And it is swift.
It is fast.
Climb on board fast.
For it stops for no one.
Since the introduction of the Internet to the public market in the early 1990's (popularised use in the recent decade), communication on this globaslised network platform has witnessed radical changes in the ways and means in which people converse and indulge in their little tete-a-tetes.
We are the era that have experienced age of the IRC (internet-relay-chat), and have had the luxury of witnessing the revolutionary change of that initial black and white, box-screened windows of conversation evolve into the more superior and sophisticated MSN Messenger chat programme that most individuals have installed on their computers. The latest version comes along with fringe functions such as the ability to categorise fellow online peers into groups and favourites, along with a mini search engine for one's personal list of contacts, so that one is able to easily distinguish and locate particular individuals. On top of that, starkly different from the old IRC days, there is the opportunity of customising your own profile and user-chat-screen with the new "customize" options they have available. Individuals are now able to show off their own personal style with custom scenes, animated icons and graphics, along with signature sounds. We also see that, communication isn't just strictly about the exchange of written words and utterances. With the file-sharing services provided, friends and family are now able to view photographs and listen to songs together.
But yes, as mentioned aforehand, "Change" is the only constant thing, and we will soon observe the emergence of social networking platforms such as that of MySpace, later to be superceded by Facebook, that have both brought people to people communication to a complete whole new level. Gone were the days of camping by your computer screen all day and night in pensive wait of catching that special someone online so that you might engage in captivating conversation similar to that of the night before. With the birth of social online platforms, personal individual profiles are perpetually available at the typing of letters on the keyboard and a few clicks of the mouse, bringing to life the element of 24/7 communication between multiple users of the network. It is a breathtakingly remarkable notion and i think my grandfather would never have conceived such a phenomenon possible, even in his wildest dreams. (back then, written communication manifested in the form of postmen-delivered snail-mail).


sarah-anne said...

everyday, i am so thankful for the birth and advancement of technology. Many of my friends are pursuing their studies abroad, which means that keeping up to date with each other's lives would be quite a feat! But with things like Facebook and Skype, it has brought about an ease inexpensive commmunication, which i really couldn't do without today.

joanne cheong said...

technology has completely radicalised the face of communications. Like globalisation, it has actually made the world seem smaller than ever.

Melissa said...

Hi malorie,

i'm just here to say that i have been part of a seven year relationship, and for more than a good half of the time, both of us in the relationship have had to fight to sustain the relationship because of the fact that we had to venture overseas for further studies.

Technological communication has really helped ust tremendously in successfully maintaining our relationship by allowing us to continue to be part of each other's lives. It wasn't easy, but it was possible. :)

poon said...

I agree with joanne, that communication has seemed to shorten distances today. Apart from helping to maintain long-distance relationship, technology has also helped with the ever-growing business industry of trade between nations.

Instead of having to fly documents through mail couriers, important work documents can now be easily transmitted between companies and clients at the click of the mouse. This helps to speed up the pace, and it matters less if you have one party in China, and the other in America. Business deals can still be easily negotiable as compared to before.

June said...

Technology really is here to stay. Whether of not our grandfathers and grandmothers can keep up with the advancement of it, it is without a doubt an integral part of our lives, and all with good reason.

Efficiency and effectivenes of the internet (a major catalyst of globalisation) has brought the entire world together to form a global market. To stop or inhibit such a technological tool of communication would be disastrous.

Even for first class nations such as that of Japan, 30% of their national income is based on exports. Without the use to technology and the efficiency and convenience of communication via such means, the export trade with markets from outside of Japan would be greatly affected. And that's just Japan.

Technology weaves it's way into our lives, and thereafter leaves it's mark. It is indelible. It is here to stay.

Mike said...

hello mal!

as you know, i run a marketing company and i would have to say that my company would be in non-existance without the launch of the internet.

My business started from the brainiac idea of starting up a marketing company to do up advertisements online. There was little start-up costs, and i needed to find the technological skilled people to work on projects for me. The amount of space online is massive and there really is no bounds on the number of business that can and have easily sprouted up this pheonomenal sphere of communication to the masses.

I am glad that technology has graced my life!

smoochiee said...

Yes, in line with what Mike has said, the internet really has been an amazing platform to precipitate powerful business communication besides that of interpersonal communication.

I engage in a lot of shopping on line, and the number of people and businesses hawking their wares online is plenty and numerous! It's impossible to visit every single online store, and i'm not just looking at local designers and imports here. With the internet, i am able to peruse through collections from overseas such as places from Hong Kong, Korea, America and Australia. It really widens the selection of goods and services available to the techno-savvy consumer. great!

karen said...

hahaha, i saw your comment about how grandfathers would never have thought this possible, and i thought of my own mum who just recently climbed on board facebook! she's 57 this year, by the way!

And with her on board facebook now, as her young-adult 23 year old kid, i've had to make sure that certain illicit details of my life never make it to facebook because heaven forbid it should she see pictures of me going wild clubbing and knocking down a few good drinks with friends on a party weekend! haha, with such means available to parents, it really is an added layer of supoervision which needs self-censorship of just how much information about yourself makes it to widely available social networking platforms like Facebook! eeps!

suanlee said...

in line with what karen has touched on, remember what our teacher mentioned to us in law class mal? it is important that we do not make everything about us available on the internet that is not secured with restricted access only to selected friends and family that have the permission to view your profile and information posted online because employers these days are beginning to turn to the internet to conduct background checks on possible job candidates.

how scary is that???

Glenda said...

Mal, i know that this is your last post for the communications blogging project, and i am sad to say that this is going to be the final entry that we are going to have the luxury of reading and commenting upon. It has been fun keeping up to date with your personal views and thoughts, some of which have been interesting (the first entry regarding the differing perceptions on rape really left an impression!). Will miss this space!! :))

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